Sunday, September 30, 2012

18 year old Panda ^^

For is awesome day coz it is my birthday =) just enjoy myself very well .Seriously,this birthday time is one of most i love..
relationship between my father and i is completely not a good enough.but that morning turn the colour of glow when my father is the number one wish to cried.because i don't target that.He want me be better man and wanna me to enjoy my day..Thank dad.PAPA I LOVE U.
Then my family member by one call me for the wish.Feel so great at that moment.They tell me that they all love me a lot . hehe..shy louh..kikiki.
and for therest..thank for twin of doremon for the wish,my exclassmate,my friend..Love u guys..
Im not just know that they love me..but i also know who is fake friend...soon they will deleted from my life.. like a pandas.


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Dah lama pendam....nak taw sangat kan..nah ..ambikkk

Semakin hari...terasa seakan ingin keluar dari kamsis ini.KENAPA?...aku pun rsa dah BOSAN...da ROOMATE pun mcm x da roomate..mcm tiggal SORANG ja lam bilik ni.pasal tu aku kadang2 suka lepak ngn mmber2 sekolah dulu.Bukan nak BELAGAK.cuma aq x suka cara camtu..Kalau sal ISAP ROKOK tu aq x bapa kisah sgt...janji jauh dari aq dekat mmang KAKI la gamaknya.Ingat x lagi pasal kawan yg aq cakapkan aritu, dah GIVE UP nk try jadi kawan dia..malas fikir sal hati member law depa X PERNAH FIKIR tntang hati kita nak p mana2 kena depa p mana2...taw2 dah ghaib..terbaek la kan..kawan mcm tu beluguk la..selogok dua tiga ringit..AWAT?...panas..dah terasa ambikla..Awek?..PERGI jahanam la ko sial...<---terasa jugak...WHO CARE?...PROBLEM? ...x couple pun x mati eh..wat HABIS kdit aq ngan duit aq ja..hati x yah kata pa la...SELFISH ..